Our Story
As you may be aware, the committee has been working at renovating the building within. As grants were evaluated for the latest project, the question of ‘ownership’ of the building was probed. When the committee attempted to clarify this element, the outcome was certainly unexpected.
We can confirm that the managing trustees are the Committee of the Village Hall and, as such, they have the responsibility of the building. The Parish Council are the custodian of the deeds of the building and, as such, only hold the document on the behalf of the charity trustees.
This does have some implications on the way that the committee will focus going forward, as the structure of the building is now part of their responsibility. In the immediate, our attention will need to go towards the much-needed renovation of the roof – quite a daunting exercise for most of us.
As always, we look forward to the support from our wider community and our Parish Council. Thank you all for your backing in 2023! May 2024 and beyond be just as successful.
Our Mission
To provide a community building for all ages and groups to provide a safe fun space for everyone to use!
Have Any Questions?
Still unsure about anything, please do not hesitate to contact us!